We are pleased to announce that CDPHP has committed to a transformative gift designated for the Rensselaer COVID-19 Testing Initiative Fund. The $150,000 donation will support efforts to keep our campus community safe and will contribute toward an unprecedented effort in the history of Rensselaer.

The gift is the most recent example of the health care organization’s generosity and partnership with Rensselaer, and supports Rensselaer Giving Day activities today – a 24-hour online fundraising initiative in support of Rensselaer initiatives focused on managing the impact of COVID-19 within the Rensselaer community, including the COVID-19 Testing Initiative Fund, the Rensselaer Research Fund, the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Relief Funds. and the Rensselaer Annual Fund.
Through the Testing Initiative, Rensselaer continues to monitor the presence of disease among our community by running 1,800 to 2,000 tests each day, with a 24-hour turnaround time for results. Maintaining a high pace and volume while adhering to the strictest standards is essential to mitigating the risk of an outbreak in a close community like Rensselaer. Donations to the fund support the many resources needed for the testing of our community members over the course of a semester, including sampling, equipment, staffing, and supplies and reagents.
“Rensselaer has always been near and dear to my heart,” said CDPHP president, and CEO, Dr. John D. Bennett ’74. “We are proud to support its efforts to keep the campus community safe and encourage the community to support Rensselaer Giving Day on September 24.”
Dr. Bennett is a valued member of the Rensselaer Board of Trustees, and has lent his expertise in many capacities at his alma mater, including serving as the Event Chair for the Coast to Coast East Scholarship Dinner and Signature Performance by Josh Groban in October 2019.
If you would like to join CDPHP in support of Rensselaer Giving Day, visit the event webpage at https://givingday.rpi.edu/.