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Remembering Dr. Jim Crivello, former professor of chemistry in Rensselaer’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Editor, Chemistry of Materials

Professor James V. (Jim) Crivello passed away suddenly on February 26, 2015. Jim was an outstanding scientist, teacher, and individual who is significantly missed by all who knew him.

A pioneer in developing a new class of photoinitiators, also known as “Crivello Salts,” Jim was a member of an increasingly rare group of scientists who started their careers in industry, transitioned to university, and thrived in both environments.

To honor his incredible legacy and his impact, Surésh K. Rajaraman, Ph.D. ’98 and his wife Anupama Mallikarjunan ’98G, Ph.D. ’02, hope to create the Professor James Crivello Memorial Research Fund, which will support students in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.

We need your help to surpass the minimum endowment level of $50,000. Once endowed, we’ll be able to provide valuable support for departmental student research, stipends, supplies, and costs associated with travel to professional meetings.

About Professor James V. Crivello

Professor James V. Crivello, 74 years old, passed away suddenly on February 26, 2015. Professor Crivello received his B.S. in Chemistry from Aquinas College in 1962, and his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Notre Dame in 1966. He joined the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1988 after completing a successful industrial career of 22 years at the General Electric Research and Development Center, where he was elected a Coolidge Fellow (1980).

For more information about Professor Crivello, an article titled “Remembering Jim Crivello, former Editor of Chemistry of Materials(written by Len Interrante) was published in Chem. Mater. (2015) 27, 2244-2245.

Scientists and mentors, such as Professor Crivello, play an incredible role in a student’s academic path and future. We hope those who ultimately benefit from the Professor James Crivello Memorial Research Fund will leave a similar impression and positive impact in the lives of others similar to that Dr. Rajaraman experienced.”

Professor Wilfredo Colón
Professor and Department Head, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

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